The aim of the syllabus is to discuss, apply and evaluate the concepts, principles and practices that underpin the preparation and interpretation of corporate reports in various contexts including the ethical assessment of managements’ stewardship and the information needs of a diverse group of stakeholders.
On successful completion of this paper, candidates should be able to:
A Apply fundamental ethical and professional principles to ethical dilemmas and discuss the consequences of unethical behavior
B Evaluate the appropriateness of the financial reporting framework and critically discuss changes in accounting regulation
C Apply professional judgement in the reporting of the financial performance of a range of entities
(NOTE the learning outcomes in Section C of the syllabus can apply to: single entities, groups public sector entities and not-for profit entities (where appropriate)
D Prepare the financial statements of groups of entities
E Interpret financial statements for different stakeholders
F Communicate the impact of changes and potential changes in accounting regulation on financial reporting
The main elements of this paper are as follows:
A Fundamental ethical and professional principles
B The financial reporting framework
C Reporting the financial performance of a range of entities
D Financial statements of groups of entities
E Interpret financial statements for different stakeholders
F The impact of changes and potential changes in accounting regulation